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- While you are young, let your heart give you joy...
Posted by : Ridwan Sobirin
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hi young people! Do you know something important that always we forget about? Yeah, it is the days of our youth! The young age years are supposed be the most exciting, memorable, and enjoyable times in our life.
But sometimes our hectic schedules require us to stay in front of computer, do some assignments, thesis, or some organizational stuffs. We get so busy, busy, and busy ploughing through our long “To Do” lists. All of our hectic routinities somehow hijack who we are being. As the result, we start feeling like something is missing from our lives, don't we?
Well, those routinities are not wrong at all. But here, one thing that I would like to remind and deliver to you is....You are still young, take awhile to breathe in the midst of your busy. Make every second of our youth's days to do some enjoyable and memorable activities. Go for holiday! Visit and meet your friends! Go Camping, Hiking, diving! Explore the mountain, the beach! Sleep naturally on the green grass and look at blue sky as far as you can!
Several days ago, I went to Parongpong with some of my best friends, namely Saeful (ITB), Disto (Unpad), Dian (ITB), Slam (ITB), and Lucki (UPI). Parongpong is located in northern Bandung. It has very-very cool scenaries with its tea park and waterfall. Besides, the temperature is not that cold. It is cool such as other highlands in Indonesia.
From the first place we started, we had tons of fun, we just looked for the simple way to have fun, including when we were in Angkot. We laughed and discussed some funny stuffs regarding each of us and other small things that usually being forgotten.
You know what? Enjoying the circle of different kinds of people can develop important social skills. The friends you keep will have a great effect in your life. Choosing the right circle of friends will avoid you from a lot of troubles, heartaches and possibly a life of deep regret. And I am so grateful having friends like them! :)
Oke, ceramahnya udahan dulu. Let's continue the story. Hahaha.
By the time we got to the location, we had cheered up and were excited to start our hiking session. For your information, this place is quite far and we need to walk if we could not find kind people pick us up with their vechicle. Surprisingly, there was a kind driver who brough us to our first site, Tea Park. Alhamdulillah! Tumpangan gratis nih, hihi.
Besides tea park's athmosphere and scenery that we enjoyed, we also visited a waterfall, CIC camp centre, and other places. I think my feeling and experience could not be expalined through this limited media or just by writing. The scenary of this site was totally breath taking. Please kindly look at our photos below to show you how enjoyable our holiday was.
So, young people! Please be noted: It's wonderful to be young! Be happy, young people! While you are young, let your heart give you joy. Let it cheer you in the days of your youth. As a young people, you are in that enviable stage where everything is positioned to go your way
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